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Alignment Rockford
Alignment Rockford is an organization that supports the improvement of academic and lifelong success for youth and students in Rockford by engaging partners across the community in programs and initiatives that respond to gaps and needs identified by Rockford Public School District 205.
Our Work
Our work supports students from the moment they are born until they enter college or start the career of their dreams. It’s truly a team effort, with partners from RPS 205, the business and nonprofit communities, neighborhoods, and grassroots initiatives all working together to design and launch programs that meet the biggest needs.
Early Childhood
School readiness paves the way for academic and lifelong success. Our littlest kids have big potential and we want to make sure they are ready to learn. Our focus on early childhood gets kids ready to start kindergarten strong.
Supporting Students
Learning happens at different paces. Discover resources and support to help every student stay on track and reach their potential.
Connecting Community
Alignment Rockford creates systemic change by connecting community resources around issues affecting students and families in the community.
Alignment Rockford supports students and families with resources and information to help in the educational journey. Find parenting advice, local family support services, homework help, and learning resources here.
Get Involved
A community relies on its public schools. Businesses need a strong school system to recruit talent and develop the next generation of leaders. Community leaders know that education drives economic development. Neighborhoods want great schools for their families. When we focus on our schools, we all win.
Alignment Rockford brings us all together to make a difference. Get involved with Alignment and make a big impact!
Better Together
Our potential is achieved because of the great people and organizations who support Alignment Rockford. Thank you to our donors who make it all possible!
Connect With Us
Follow us on social and sign up to receive our newsletter to stay informed about our work and impact.
Soon, Winnebago County parents can expect a warm welcome for their newborns and expert advice in the comfort of their own home, free of charge.
A Universal Newborn Support System is coming to Winnebago County residents.
#newborn #rockford #baby #community
Celebrate Read Across America Week with Alignment Rockford!
Reading with your child every day helps build strong language skills, sparks imagination, and fosters a lifelong love of learning.
During Read Across America Week—and all year long—we encourage families to make ...reading a daily habit!
Join us for special story times throughout the month and help us celebrate the joy of books! Check out the Alignment Rockford website for a full calendar of events: LINK IN BIO
¡Celebra la Semana de la Lectura en América con Alignment Rockford!
Leer con tu hijo todos los días ayuda a desarrollar sólidas habilidades lingüísticas, estimula la imaginación y fomenta un amor por el aprendizaje que dura toda la vida.
Durante la Semana de la Lectura en América, y durante todo el año, animamos a las familias a hacer de la lectura un hábito diario.
¡Únete a nosotros en sesiones especiales de cuentacuentos a lo largo del mes y ayúdanos a celebrar la alegría de los libros! Consulta el sitio web de Alignment Rockford para ver el calendario completo de eventos: ENLACE EN LA BIO
#readacrossamerica #learn #rockford #books #libros
Celebrate Read Across America Week with Alignment Rockford!
Reading with your child every day helps build strong language skills, sparks imagination, and fosters a lifelong love of learning.
During Read Across America Week—and all year long—we encourage families to make ...reading a daily habit!
Join us for special story times throughout the month and help us celebrate the joy of books! Check out the Alignment Rockford website for a full calendar of events:
#readacrossamerica #learn #rockford #books
Join us for special storytimes throughout the month at our Ready to Learn Spaces and help us celebrate the joy of books!
The work we do at Alignment Rockford isn’t just about education—it’s about community transformation. Every program, partnership, and initiative is working toward a stronger, more connected Rockford.
Want to get involved? Join us.
#rockford #community #getinvoled
A warm welcome for every baby born in Winnebago County
Thank you to all of our community partners who came together around the work that has led to the upcoming free universal newborn home visiting for every baby born in our county. Alignment Rockford is working to improve the lives of ...all youth in Rockford, from cradle to college or career. We have been working for the past year with a strong network of community partners to develop the best foundational newborn system of support for Winnebago County. Starting later this year, every baby born in Winnebago County will be eligible for a neonatal nurse home visit. Visiting nurses will be able to offer families tools, resources, support and guidance that will empower and strengthen their capacity. More to come as the program gets ready to launch later this year.
Who will you tell about this program first?
A warm welcome for every baby born in Winnebago County
Thank you to all of our community partners who came together around the work that has led to the upcoming free universal newborn home visiting for every baby born in our county.
Emily Klonicki speaks about what this will ...mean for babies, families, and our community.
@winncohealth @uw_health @mercy_health
#rockford #community #health #familie #babies
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